EL PRIMER TALLER SERÁ: "Songs to Teach and to Reach”
Songs are a wonderful way to motivate students "There is strong evidence supporting the use of music in the ESL classroom. Language and music are tied together in brain processing by pitch, rhythm and by symmetrical phrasing. Music can help familiarize students with connections and provides a fun way to acquire English." From Music and Language Learning by Bob Lake
The purpose of this workshop is to help teachers choose the correct songs to use in the English class and plan for activities to exploit the songs according to their students´ s levels, needs and tastes. We will also analyze the values that each song can transmit to the learners.
TIME: From 10 a.m. to 1p.m.
EL SEGUNDO TALLER SERÁ: “A Festival of Games”
Games are whole language activities that foster the development of the four language skills, cater for the three learning styles and bring energy. The presenter will explore the three learning styles through the use of original games and reflect on the use of these games in a real classroom.
During the presentation all participants will be encouraged to play the games proposed and in this way be able to place themselves in their students’ shoes. People learn better by doing and experimenting. After playing participants will analyze the use of these games and see how they can transfer them into their real teaching practice. My goal is to MOVE TEACHERS BY MAKING THEM MOVE. Teachers will discover that their aim is not only teaching the language but also helping students enjoy the process and in this way become that unforgettable teacher that all teachers would like to be.
TIME: From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
VENUE: “Chambela Maronde” – Salón de Eventos
México 416 – Moreno –Bs.As.
Biografical Statement
Prof. M. Celeste GRIMAU holds a degree of Profesora de Inglés graduated from Instituto Santa Brígida. She is the director of STEPS – Cross-Cultural understanding and has been Head of English Department of "Colegio Del Sol". She has contributed articles on education to the Buenos Aires Herald an offered a number of workshops in Argentina. She has also written articles and activities for the magazine English Teaching in Action. She is a storyteller and specializes in storytelling as a teaching tool as well as games to teach languages. She has developed her own methodology based on the use of games in the classroom. She has been a presenter in many international conferences for teachers of English in Argentina and Chile. Celeste is part of ARTESOL Board. At the moment she is studying Drama at the Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro. Celeste is a passionate teacher who considers teaching as her mission not only her job.
Taller "The Story Telling"
en nuestro Intituto de 14:00 -- 16:00hs a cargo de la Profesora María Celeste Grimau..
2014 - 2014 - 2014 - 2014 - 2014 -2014 - 2014 - 2014 - 2014-
Proximos talleres
Miercoles 14 de mayo - dictado por Grace Bertolini.
WORKSHOP:Creative Story- Based Activities and Effective Speaking, Reading and Writing Strategies.
Jueves 12 de junio - dictado por Celeste Grimau
WORKSHOP:Vitamin shock games
Story- Based Activities and Effective Speaking, Reading and Writing Strategies.
ideas, easy to carry out in your daily class! Activating Prior Knowledge - Making Predictions - Previewing Texts –
Retelling -
Asking Questions Sequencing Events - Making Connections - Identifying Cause and Effect - Building Vocabulary - Dictated by Grace Bertolini
Games are a
powerful tool in the modern classroom. Students enjoy language more when they are involved. Games are whole language activities that foster the development of the four language skills, cater for
the three learning styles and bring energy into the classroom.
In this
workshop you will play different and original
games in a unique way and you will be able to use them and surprise your students on Monday morning. At the end of the workshop we will reflect on the use of these games in your real classroom.
The objective of the workshop is to move teachers by making them move.- Dictated by Celeste Grimau
de 13:00 a 16:00
Pablo Jorge Labandeira
Teacher, teacher-trainer, consultant,
storywriter; autor, actor
Authentic materials are of great help in
the EFL classroom, but they can also demotivate your students when used wrongly. How could songs, films, social networks, among others, be potentially pedagogically rich both for you and for your
students? How could literary classics be incorporated into your lessons without becoming a bore? What literature must be used: literature with a capital L or with a small l? How can a song or a
poem turn into a full learning experience?
If you have ever asked yourself one of
these questions, then you are welcome to join this workshop. We will explore the many possibilities of exploitation of authentic materials. We will look into and analyse some examples and develop
different teaching sequences with authentic materials to add a new dimension to your classroom.
Sabado 7 de marzo de 9.30 a 13.00hs.
Shrek has underlying spiritual messages
about beauty, friendship, happiness, home, and love which make it worth working with.
This workshop will provide participants
with practical guidance, hands on experience, and information about the tools and resources that are available to help them create a positive learning environment using a theme. Throughout the
workshop, participants will be encouraged to discuss, interact and problem solve while participating inactivities, games, reflection exercises, and group tasks. Teachers will learn how to use the
presented information and resources effectively in their classes, helping to foster language teaching using games.
Licenciada M. Celeste Grimau holds a degree
of Licenicada en Inglés graduated from
Universidad FASTA and has taken post-graduate studies at the University of Maryland, USA. She is the director of STEPS – Cross-Cultural Understanding and has been Head of English Department of
"Colegio Del Sol". She has contributed articles on education to ARTESOL magazine, to the Buenos Aires Herald and offered a number of workshops in Argentina and Chile. She has also written
articles and activities for the magazine English Teaching in Action.She is the editor of Tick Tack Toe magazine and has recently published her first e-book: Vitamin Shock Games Volume 1 & 2.
She is a storyteller and specializes in storytelling as a teaching tool as well as games to teach languages. She has developed her own methodology based on the use of games in the classroom. She
has been a presenter in many international conferences for teachers of English in Argentina and Chile. At the moment she is studying Drama at the Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro. Celeste is
part of ARTESOL Board. She is a passionate teacher who considers teaching as her mission not only her job.
Jueves 23 de abril de 14.00 a 16.30hs.
Jueves 21 de mayo 9.00 a 12.00hs.
Laura Lewin
Laura Lewin es autora, capacitadora y consultora.
Ha dictado cientos de talleres en Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y
Europa. Preside el Congreso Internacional de Desarrollo Profesional para Profesores y Coordinadores de inglés, y el Congreso Internacional para Directivos Innovadores de Instituciones Educativas.
Es consultora y capacitadora de instituciones educativas en Argentina y en el exterior.
Es capacitadora internacional de Cambridge University Press (Reino
Unido), columnista en temas de educación para Radio María, columnista de INFOBAE y oradora TEDx.
Laura dirige ABS International, una empresa de capacitación
educativa, desde el año 1992.
Es autora de Gestión educativa en acción - cómo desarrollar, motivar
y liderar a tu equipo docente, de editorial Noveduc (2015) . El aula afectiva - claves para el manejo eficaz del aula en un entorno afectivo y efectivo, editado por Santillana (2016), de Que
enseñes no significa que aprendan (2017), Aulas motivadas, editado por Hola Chicos (2018), Anita & Ben, editado por Hola Chicos (2018), Mejores directivos, mejores instituciones educativas,
Bonum (2018), co-autora junto a Fredy Vota de la Educación Transformada, Santillana (2018) y autora de Fuertes y Felices, Bonum (2019).
Que enseñes no significa que aprendan - Neurociencias, liderazgo docente e innovación en el
aula en el siglo XXI" de Lewin, Laura de Editorial Bonum
Es un libro de fácil lectura que aporta una reflexión acerca de cómo necesitan aprender los
alumnos del siglo XXI.
¿Es posible que muchos docentes estén más enfocados en ellos que en sus alumnos? ¿Es posible
que estén demasiado concentrados en enseñar y
no en ayudar a aprender?
Muchos docentes enseñan de la manera en que ellos aprendieron y se encuentran con que sus prácticas áulicas no son compatibles con sus alumnos de hoy. Las neurociencias nos revelan datos
sorprendentes que pueden ayudarnos a ser más eficientes en el aula. Los enfoques socio-emocionales favorecen una educación integral para que los alumnos no sean simplemente buenos desde lo
académico o técnico, sino que puedan desenvolverse en un futuro laboral o profesional con éxito, habiendo desarrollado habilidades que este siglo ya no considera opcionales, como la creatividad,
la comunicación efectiva, la pro-actividad, el aprender de los errores o mantenerse motivado a pesar de las dificultades, entre otras.
Este libro es acerca de cómo generar las mejores condiciones para enseñar y aprender en este siglo. El libro aporta ideas, consejos, estrategias y ejercicios de reflexión acerca de:
- A quién le enseñamos
- Qué enseñamos
- Cómo lo enseñamos
- Dónde lo enseñamos
Espiar su Indice nos abre la cabeza:
Ver lo invisible – Haciendo foco en las prácticas del aula – Hacemos lo que hacemos porque pensamos lo que pensamos - ¿Qué estamos enseñando? - ¿Qué necesitan aprender nuestros alumnos en el
siglo XXI? – Enseñar habilidades para el futuro – La importancia del pensamiento crítico - ¿Cómo estamos enseñando? – La motivación en el aula – Las neurociencias nos ayudan – El rol de las
emociones en el aula – El estrés en el aula – El mindfulness – Moverse para aprender mejor – El arte y los procesos cognitivos - ¿Están aprendiendo? – Enseñar no es sinónimo de aprender –
Estudiar para fines ocasionales – La cuestión de la evaluación - ¿Dónde y con qué enseñamos? – El aula como espacio de aprendizaje – La tecnología entra al aula – Flipped classroom o aula
invertida – Disciplina y manejo del aula – La clave de un buen clima – Tener el control – Respeto, autoridad, confianza – Liderazgo docente – Innovar en el rol – Somos
Cecilia Ramirez es la creadora de este equipo. Es profesora de Ingles (ISFD 210,
operadora en autoestima (SEAL- Wings) y licenciada en Ciencia de la Educación (USAL) con posgrado en Educación Emocional (UNVM).
Estudio sobre las Inteligencias Múltiples (Harvard Graduate School of Education) y
además se ha capacitado en reiki, yoga, meditación y otras disciplinas holísticas.
Es autora de los libros Cuentos sin Dueño y Relatos en la Autopista Mente Corazón,
ambos en castellano y en Ingles, y del libro AEH, Aprendiendo a Encontrar Héroes.
También ha participado en varias antologías con cuentos y poemas que en su mayoría
están destinados a incentivar la inteligencia emocional.
Dicta clases de Metodología y Practica Docente en un Profesorado de Ingles y clases de
Ingles en su centro. También ofrece cursos sobre metodología, autoestima, inteligencias múltiples y la educación emocional en castellano y en ingles ,freelance. Ha participado como disertante en
diferentes Congresos y Encuentros, dado capacitaciones para la Secretaria y el Ministerio de Educación y también ha sido invitada a programas radiales y de TV para hablar de su trabajo.